Cooking Up a Great Year

I am so excited to be a part of this AMAZING blog hop! The giveaway is awesome! I kinda don't want to share it with you guys because I want to win it myself!!

I love cooking with my kindergarteners it helps with many academic skills and allows us to have some fun.

On Fridays we make a little snack, eat it then write, and draw about it. We call it Foodie Friday, I was inspired by Kindergarten Smorgasbord. Our snacks are based on what we are learning about that week. Here are some of the snacks that we made last year.

I get lots of ideas from Pinterest and tweak them to work in a classroom setting. Check out my Fun Kid Foods Board on Pinterest.
If you would like to start Foodie Friday in your classroom here is a great FREEBIE to get you started Cooking Our Way Through Kindergarten can be done whole group or as a literacy center after you make the snacks.
To celebrate this awesome blog hop I have put my other "foodie" products on sale for just ONE dollar each!
We all know that cooking during the school year can be tough, there is NEVER enough time. One of my favorite websites for quick delicious recipes is Mrs. Happy Homemaker. Now I know that name, just trust me though. She always has the most delicious recipes and I don't have to go out and buy ingredients that I will only use once. Here are some of the recipes that I have tried from her and LOVED!! Just click on the picture to go to the recipe.
Don't forget to enter this amazing giveaway, I mean HOW CUTE is that apron?
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Now head over to the next blog for more great ideas on how to have a great school year!
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  1. I love the food crafts..and the idea of making something each Friday! Thanks for the fun freebie!
    Have a great new school year!
    Jenn :)

    Crayons & Cuties In Kindergarten

  2. I love your foodie products! Very cute!

  3. Love the rainbow on a stick snack!

  4. Oh my many ideas! Thanks!

    Teaching Momster

  5. I love your Foodie Fridays! All the ideas are so cute. Thanks for sharing!
    Teacher Treasure Hunter


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